Welcome PHESD 144 Math Team!

Meet Our Team

  •                       Mr. Leathers                                

                                Mr. Leathers-Supervisor of Mathematics   



                               Mrs. Akta Naik - District Math Coordinator




    Mr. Glenn Greene - District Math Coordinator


    District Math Coordinator






                                Mrs. Friedstat-District Math Interventionist


        Mrs. Jennifer Huffaker-math interventionist

                                  Mrs. Huffaker-District Math Interventionist




                                 Mr. Goodwin-District Math Interventionist



    Our purpose is to provide meaningful and practical research based interventions based on student's needs.  We are committed to using research based strategies to remedy student's areas of oppourtunity while building upon the knowledge they currently possess.  We want to equip all educators, staff, and parents with useful resources that will aid in student's conceptual understanding in order to continue the growth in their math journey.