Phone: 708-210-2860 ext.2414


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Johnson

My name is Ms. Johnson and this is my 5th year teaching at Prairie Hills Junior High School. I am excited about the incredible adventure before me in this new school year and look forward to sharing it with you and your child. 



  • The math curriculum for this school year is as follows:

    6th Grade

    • Geometry - Solving real world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area and volume
    • Expressions and Equations - Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions. Reason and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.
    • Number System - Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples.
    • Ratio and Proportion - Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.
    • Statistics and Probability - Develop an understanding of statistical variability. Summarize and describe distributions.

    7th Grade

    • Geometry - Draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.
    • Ratio and Proportions - Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real world math problems.
    • Expressions and Equations - Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
    • Number Systems - Apply and extend previous understanding of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers.
    • Statistics and Probability - Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population. Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models.

    Method of instruction

    One approach to instruction that will be used in the classroom is the thinking classroom. A thinking classroom is an instruction approach that places a strong emphasis on fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills and deep conceptual understanding among students. This method is intended to develop students' ability to think mathematically, reason logically and communicate effectively by encouraging students to actively engage in the learning process, ask questions, explore different strategies and make connections between mathematical concepts. 



  • Grading, Make-Up Work, & Homework Policies

    Grading Scale: (%)                       Grading Breakdown: (%)

    A       92%-100%                                        Tests and Assessments --------30%

    B       83%-91%                                          Class Work ---------------------30%

    C       74%-82%                                          Projects -------------------------15%

    D       65%-73%                                          Quizzes -------------------------15%

    F       64% and below                                  Homework/Independent -----10%

    Homework Policy:

    When students are given homework, assignments and/or projects, the work must be completed and brought in on the due date.  This means all work not turned in on the due date will result in a lower grade.  Homework should be expected daily (Monday – Thursday) via worksheet or Khan Academy and should average about 75 minutes per day.  All students will be issued a planner and remote device.  Please review your child’s planner with them every day to ensure that they are staying on task.

  • A classroom cannot function properly unless there is a prescribed set of guidelines that all must follow. In order to create an environment where your child feels safe to grow and to express his/her opinion, the students and I have created a set of rules, consequences, and rewards for my classroom.


    1. Students are to keep their hands and feet to themselves at all times.

    2. Students are to be respectful towards faculty and their fellow students.

    3. Students are to come prepared for class everyday.

    4. Students are to remain on task and with their assigned groups at all times.

    5. Students are to follow classroom procedures as explained by the teacher.

    6. Students are to follow rules and procedures set forth by the school district and administration at all times.


    Consequence – When a student breaks a rule.

    Step 1: Verbal warning from the teacher.

    Step 2: Additional verbal warning from the teacher.

    Step 3: Student may be moved to a different group and/or receive points for class participation.

    Step 4: The parent will receive a phone call, email, or letter home regarding disruptive behavior.

    Step 5: The student will receive a referral and will be issued an administrative consequence by a dean..

    Severe Disruption: Sent immediately to dean with referral (may result in detention and/or suspension depending on the offense.


    Rewards for Positive Behavior

    1. Reward tickets for extra credit, no homework, free time, etc.

    2. Various other prizes such as parties, stickers, candy, etc.

    3. Positive phone call home.