• Welcome to class! I am excited to get to know and work with each of you.  


    Social Studies Class Description:

    Sixth-grade students will study World History from the beginning of time until the Middle Ages.

    Seventh-grade students will study American History from the first peoples in North America to the time leading to the Civil War.


    Class Rules:

    Respect for Self: As a respectful student,

    · I will stay in my seat.

    · I will positively participate in all classroom activities.

    · I will keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself.


    Respect for Others: As a respectful student,

    · I will stay on task without disturbing or distracting others.

    · I will raise my hand and be called by the teacher to speak.

    · I will follow directions the first time given.


    Respect for School: As a respectful student,

    · I will enter and exit the room quietly.

    · I will complete all assignments on time.

    · I will actively listen when the teacher is speaking.


    Rewards for being a respectful student:

    1. Good phone call home                       

    2. Computer time                  

    3. Prize- Candy, etc.

    4. Homework Pass


    Consequences for violations of these categories:

    1. Verbal Warning          

    2. Conference with student  

    3. Parent Contact

    4. Disciplinary Referral


    What you need for class every day:

    Notebook for a daily bell ringer


    Writing utensil- Pen or pencil


    Contact Information

    Email: kdarnell@phsd144.net or kdarnell@phesd144.com

    Phone: (708) 210-2860 ext. 2411

    Class websites:

    Active Classroom

    https://active.socialstudies.com/users/sign_in - many assignments are on this site. 

    Log in info- username- s(id#)@phsd144.net

    Password is the network password you use to access the computers at school. 


    Google Classroom


    Log in info- username- s(id#)

    Password is the network password to log into the computers at school.