• My name is Mr. Leyhane and I am fourth year teacher, but this is my first year at Prairie Hills School District. Before working in District 144, I worked in Wilmette and in the Archdiocese of Chicago. I am a graduate of Beloit College and doubled majored in History and Education and Youth Studies.

    I have a passion for history and all the stories that it has to tell us about where we have been as a society, how we have failed/succeeded, how we have grown, and all the unique stories that the past has to tell us, that helps us make sense of where we are today.

    In addition to history and education, I am a college baseball coach at the NCAA Division III level in Chicago at Illinois Institute of Technology and a huge White Sox and Bears fan. 

    Image result for beloit college logo    Image result for illinois institute of technology baseballImage result for White SoxImage result for Bears logo