- Prairie-Hills Jr. High
- Student Supply List
Marban, Ms. M.
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This list is given by the school district for 7th graders.
Basic supplies students will need for each class:
- 10 black pens
- Student planner (provided by PHJH)
- 10 blue pens
- Pencil/Pen pouch
- colored pencils
- 1 metric/customary ruler (cm or mm/inches)
- 12-24 #2 sharpened pencils
- Trapper keeper/binder with dividers
- 1 ream of loose leaf notebook paper
- 6 folders
- 6 (1) subject notebooks
- Glue stick
- Pencil sharpener (with cover)
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer (for Advisory class)
- 1 box of tissues (For Advisory Class)
- (2) Composition books
- (2) Folders
- Highlighters
- 1 Sticky note pad
- Index cards
- Local Library Card
Social Studies
- 3 ring binder
- Highlighters
- Set of notebook dividers (5)
- #2 pencils
- 2 blue pens
- Standardized notecards
- Science
- composition notebooks
- Pack of graph paper (1/4" sq)
- TI-30 Calculator
- protractor
- folder
- pencil sharpener (with cover)