• Social Science:  Mrs. H.B-Chipley

    Room: B209        (708) 210-2860      Ext. 2485


    Welcome Back!  I am a 7th/8th grade teacher at Prairie Hills Junior High.  The students will switch classes to prepare them for transition to High School and beyond.  I specialize in the area of social science.  Please allow me to THANK YOU in advance for your help and encouragement with the students this school year.   If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me,   Mrs. H.B.-Chipley, at Prairie Hills Junior High thillbrown@phsd144.net .  My room number is B209.  The phone number is (708) 210- 2860,extension 24685. 


    The students are in for an exciting and challenging school year. This year the students will cover in social science: 


    United States History (7th to the Civil War- 8th Civil War to Current)                                       Test preparation

    United States & WorldGeography                                                                                                        Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

    Reading Skills and Strategies**                                                                                                             Citizenship

    U.S. Constitution (7th) Illinois Constitution (8th)                                                                      United States Government


    ** Including Historical research, test-taking strategies, and writing techniques.


    The curriculum is aligned to state goals, standards and the Common Core. The Illinois standards are listed daily in the classroom.  In order to provide our students with a variety of resources, the following textbooks will be utilized this year.


     “American History”, Pearson, Education (Student- 7th/8th grade)

     “Building Geography Skills for Life”, Glencoe(in class)

     “We the People”, Center for Civic Education(in class)

     “The NYSTROM ATLAS” (in class)


    The students will have access to my personal library of primary and secondary sources as well as educational websites.  Please encourage the students to take care of their books, as book damage fees will be assessed at the end of the school year.  I ask that all students protect their books with the use of book covers.



    The students will be active participants in their education.  In the classroom they will become  historians and unlock the past using research techniques. The sixth graders will explore the ancient civilizations of the world.  They will discover the impact of trade routes, search the Pyramids, build a tomb, create a written language, and examine the roles of women in various  cultures and use technology.  The students will need help and support from home, so be prepared for questions, interviews and polls.  I will require polls as the student’s search for Patriotism.  They are encouraged to appreciate the cultural diversity that is America! 


    The students will receive homework 3-4 nights a week. (Practice makes perfect).

    The grading scale is:

    100  - 92        A

    91    - 83        B

    82    - 74        C

    73    - 65        D

    64 and below earns an F


    The break down for the final grades:

    30%                 Test scores

    30%                 Class work,Journals/Participation 

    15%                Projects, Labs, Published Writings
    15%               Quizzes

    10%              Homework




    I encourage you to spend time discussing the rules, regulations and policies of the Prairie Hills SchoolDistrict 144 Student Discipline Handbook. In addition, these are the classroom rules developed by the students and myself:


    1. We will listen and follow directions the first time given.


    1. We will keep our hands, feet, and objects to ourselves, as well as inappropriate comments, sounds, and avoid putting any inappropriate objects in our mouths at any time other than lunch.


    1. We will have good conduct, cooperate, respect each other’s personal space and be responsible for our own actions.


    1. We will stay focused, be honest, active learners - to the best of our abilities.


    5.  We will listen to every student’s opinion,respect others and ourselves (agree to disagree) treating others the way we want to be treated.


    6.  We will stay in our seats, raise our hands and then wait (silently) to be called upon.


           7.  We will keep our personal hygiene together at all times.


    Consequences:                                                         Rewards:

    1. Verbal warning                                        1.  “Caught Being Good Coupons”

    2.  Name written on board                        2. Kudos Call- telephone calls of praise to phone parents

    3.  Parental phone call                                         3.  Individual treats (random)

    4.  After-school detention/Saturday                    4. Verbal Praise

    5.  Parent Conference

    6.  Possible  Suspension


    Please remember the students and I appreciate any expertise from you.  I look forward to seeing you at parent teacher conferences.