- Highlands School
- Welcome
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I welcome you and your child to the 2024-2025 school year at Highlands. I am your child’s teacher, Ms. Sanchez and I look forward to meeting and talking with you in the weeks to come. I will have Ms. Powell working with me in the classroom. I am located in room #12 and hope to meet with all parents/guardians.J
I hope that you will take the time to fill out the orange parent contact sheet so that we can communicate and discuss your child’s progress and any concerns. Once we receive handbooks, please review the handbook with your child and return the signed form. The district has materials for your child and will be given to them very soon, along with a clear back bag. Some children have brought in their materials. Please make sure their name is on their items so that each child can keep track of materials and placed in their individual bins. Water bottles can be brought to Highlands since we do have water stations. Please have your child bring headphones to use while on district websites.
I ask that you take the time to look in your child’s backpack daily for any important papers that need your immediate attention. Your child may receive homework and placed in their folder or attached to their Google Classroom. Please make sure they complete it and return to school the following day. Homework may include using their home computers using district wide sites: I-Ready reading and math, Raz-Kids, BlueStreak, Imagine Learning, Acellus, etc.
Each child will have a Google Classroom account. You will find classroom information, Remote Learning info, and homework resources: Sight Words and skill worksheets.
Please make sure that your child is in uniform daily, white or navy-blue polo shirt and navy-blue pants/shorts. As the weather starts to change, they may bring a white or navy-blue sweater with no hoodie or decorations. Please contact the school for any absences.
This is going to be a fantastic year with your child in my classroom. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You may contact me through my email: abates@phsd144.net
The Best is Yet To Come!
Ms. Angelica Sanchez
708 335-9773 ext. 2525
Classroom Management Plan for Room 12
Teacher: Ms. SanchezClassroom Rules
1. Follow directions quickly.
2. Listen when the teacher is talking.
3. Raise your hand to speak.
4. Be safe, kind, and honest.
5. Always ask for permission when you leave the room.
1. Verbal warning2. Loss of chosen seat/ sitting away
3. Loss of special activity
4. Parent contact by phone or email.
5. Conference with parents.
6. Meeting with the principal and teacher.
When we “catch our students being good,” we will make every effort to let them know and appreciate their efforts through the various rewards:
• Verbal praise
• Stickers/ Positive notes
• Treats
• Phone calls home
• Recess/Computer
• Game Time/ Movie Incentive / PBIS incentives
• Great Education
Let’s Have A Great Positive Year!