1 pencil bag
2 boxes #2 pencils (no mechanical)
2 large erasers
1 package of pencil tip erasers
2 boxes of 24 Crayola crayons
1 package of Crayola markers
1 pair blunt tip scissors (left-handed if needed)
1 ruler with centimeters and inches
4 glue sticks
4 sprial (wide rule) notebooks
5 2-pocket folders
1 composition notebook
2 packages wide-rule loose leaf paper
1 box (2 gallon size) Ziploc bags
2 boxes (1 gallon size) Ziploc bags
1 box (sandwich size) Ziploc
3 boxes of Kleenex
2 rolls of paper towels
2 containers of Clorox wipes (disinfecting)
2 packages of baby wipes
2 hand sanitizers
1 liquid soap
1 book bag/backpack (no Wheels)
1 pair of gym shoes