• Back to School


    Dear Parents,

       It's that time again.  The 2023-2024 academic school year has begun.  I look forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting our new families as well.  My name is Valerie Skarbek and I have been teaching at Highlands for twenty-one years.  I have taught various grades; however, I have been teaching 5th grade for the last seventeen years. 
       I realize that teaching your child is a tremendous responsibility and I will do my best to ensure that each student has a safe and motivating learning experience in this upcoming year.  However, I cannot do this without the help of you, the parents.  We are partners in the learning process.  With your help we will have a classroom of scholars, athletes, musicians and/or actors.
       I believe that parent-teacher relationships are necessary for maximum school success.  Throughout the year, I will communicate with parents through notes, telephone calls, emails, report cards and parent-teacher conferences.  I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time.  You can call me at school 708-335-9773 ext. 2517 or contact me via email vskarbek@phsd144.net.