• Me  
    Dear Parents,
    The holidays have passed however there are still community resources available for your family's needs. Below are local resources that might be beneficial for parents to investigate.
    1. Respond Now Chicago Heights, IL (Coats, food, and gifts). 708.755.4357
    2. Together We Cope Tinley Park, IL (New and used gifts, coats, and supplies). 708.633.5040
    3. Catholic Charities Chicago, IL   (Gifts, coats, and other supplies).
    4. Ford Heights Community Service Organization (Homeless Prevention, Rental/Mortgage/Utility Assistance and Case Management). 708.758.2565 
    5. PADS (temporary shelter from October - April). 708.550.4411
    6. The HUB (Job Training, Food, Clothing, Basic Needs, Disability Services, Benefit Assistance, Medical, Legal and Housing needs) 708.966.9482
    More resources will be added as we gather more information.  
    Mrs. McClora
    School Social Worker